The West Texas A&M University Trombone Studio is always busy! In the past several years, they have enjoyed guest artists, guest masterclasses, Skype masterclasses, Amarillo Symphony masterclasses, and more, while involved in weekly studio class, twice-weekly trombone choir rehearsals, as well as WTAMU's Symphonic Band, Concert Band, University Band, Marching Band, two Jazz Ensembles, the WTAMU Symphony Orchestra, and many more performing groups.
Here is a collection of downloadable documents that I've either generated or found handy. I'm always willing to add more, and in fact a handout on developing lip trills is currently in the works. If you have suggestions, feel free to contact me.
Joseph Alessi Alessi Seminar '07 Warmup
Peter Ellefson "If I Only Had The Time" Warmup
John Shanks "Keeping the Buzz" Exercise
John Shanks Alessi Seminar '13 Warmup
John Shanks Collegiate Trombone Cliff Notes
John Shanks 2016 TMEA Presentation Powerpoint - "The Interrelation of Range and Resonance"
John Shanks Music Careers Handout
Handout for Trombonists Who Can't Band Good And Want To Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too