What year is it?
Have you ever looked at the date, usually in January or February, and thought "No, that can't be right"? I'm having that experience, but...
On the last year
Hello again! Many things have happened in the past year: 1) About to meet my firstborn at the end of January. 2) In an attempt to see...
TMEA 2017-18 All-State Tenor Trombone Etude Quick Tips!
#91: Learn to play a low Db in tune! Hint: The trigger is not an octave key! Find that Db in tune the octave above, then put down the...
ASYO Trombones
Hi, ASYO trombones - here's the link I was talking about: https://www.dropbox.com/s/md31ndftmhk60vm/Achieved%20is%20the%20Glorious%20Work...
2016-17 TMEA All-State Etude tips: Bordognis!
I'm very excited that the Texas All-State Etudes this year are taken from the Rochut/Bordogni Melodious Etudes/Vocalises. Let's first...
WT Band Camp 2016
I can't adequately express how much I enjoyed this year's WTAMU Band Camp! Here are just a few pics of the trombone choir... this should...
Don't lose the magic!
Taken from a Facebook post that has gotten much attention over the last few days: College kids: We have 4 weeks left, then finals/juries....
An idea stolen from the Internet
An idea stolen from the Internet September 22, 2015 Like many people, a typical morning for me involves coffee and a browse of the day's...
On different embouchures, range, and why I can't play the trumpet anymore
I had a big, long post about this topic typed up, but the Internet ate it. So here's the short version. I have always been a high player....